
Requantrio is an innovative technique in the field of SEO linkbuilding. Devoted to drawing in big names with awesome content, it’s becoming a firm favourite among SEOs and those trained to understand Google’s algorithm. It adds value to a given field, as well as saving time, resources, and money.

Why Try Requantrio?

Link building is a vital step in SEO linkbuilding, but hasn’t always been easy to do. Many hours have been wasted, trying to secure links from websites no one even reads. Instead, the requantrio method is to generate great content and tempt the big names in the field towards you. It adds useful information to the industry, and has the benefitting of securing your position as an expert in the field in the eyes of Google and beyond.

Requantrio is also a very cost-effective method of gaining links. Once the content is created and out in the world, it will be linked to for as long as the information is relevant. The quality of the links will also be greater, meaning you don’t need quite as many (though you can get just as many, if not more!)

Where Did it Come From?

Requantrio was created as a remedy to old, unproductive methods for SEO linkbuilding. A group of SEOs decided to team up and find a better way. They developed this technique to combat it. Instead of spending countless work hours blindly begging for backlinks, they would bring influencers to them with valuable content that demanded attention.

What Will Requantrio Cost Me?

No two requantrio campaigns are created equal, nor would you want them to be. Each process of ideation, research, data mining, and content creation is different. This means each campaign will have slightly, or drastically, different costs. It can be fiscally cheaper to do all the work yourself— all it will costs is the hours you spend doing it (and potentially the price of some specialist tools that make the job easier). Another way is to hire an agency that uses the Requantrio method. These agencies are geared up with all the resources they need, and a staff of experts in using them, to set your campaign in action. You’ll be paying for their time, and saving your own.

Time Till Requantrio Works?

Patience is a virtue for a reason, and it is patience that any new technique needs. It’s possible you’ll get links flying in from the moment you publish your content, but for others it’s a more steady increase. Either way, you need to give any new technique some time to work. This means you can see what’s working, what needs changing, and gain insights for future campaigns. A good estimate is to give Requantrio six months. Any glaring issues, or glorious successes, will make themselves known. It also gives you chance to reap the rewards before moving on to a different method.

Making a Start

Getting started is super easy. Whether you’re doing it yourself or hiring an agency, the process can begin immediately by simply thinking of what sort of campaign you’d like. From there, it’s just a process of researching, data-ing, and content creating. If you need any help with any aspect of this technique, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always ready to help in whatever way we can, and want to hear how you get on!